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Catch the fish is a game designed for your cat to enjoy catching Koi fish. Let your pet play with your smartphone or tablet and you will see how they

14.93 MB

Would you want to play on the real guitar like a rockstar? Of course, you’d want to be the rockstar! So you should practice a lot and the real guitar

35.98 MB

Play in the pony dream house and take care of a little pink baby pony! Splash water in a bubble bath, mash green peas, change diapers, put her to bed

43.48 MB

Our collection of princess games is bigger with one of the best dress up games in 2016 called Royal Princess Prom Dress up where you are able transfor

17.35 MB
SmithStory 1.0.104

※賺錢吧 爺爺只留了個爛店鋪給你,自立自強吧,賺錢的方式可以透過打怪、買賣武器、開箱子或掛機等等,累計金錢還有機會進入資本額排行. ※點擊與鍛造系統 遊戲採點擊或拖劃的玩法,輕鬆遊玩讓玩家不需盯著螢幕也能操作,除此之外還需要蒐集各種素材與鍛造書來鍛冶武器 ,素材可由魔物身上、市集、遊戲寶箱等等地方獲

99.45 MB

An Interactive Map for Fallout 76 where the community can share locations and information. Notable features include: * High quality map with zoom/pan

72.79 MB

High School bus driving and parking - Let’s have some fun with crazy High School Bus Driving simulator. If you are crazy about driving the school buse

27.52 MB

Blocky Parkour - the game provides an opportunity to test your parkour skills. You will need to pass levels of varying difficulty, levels have complex

48.73 MB
crowd city 1.4.22

Description of The Crowd City : The real crowd experience Game Become the biggest crowd in city town! Crush your opponents with your overwhelming lead

5.12 MB

Do you like manga or anime girl dress up games? Sure you do! And what's you've really missed is fantasy anime dress up in a Role Playing Games style!

62.05 MB
千銃士 1.11.0

「僕だけの絶対高貴を、君に。」 『千銃士』は、歴史上に名高い古銃の化身である「貴銃士」を収集・育成し、 圧政を敷く世界帝に戦いを挑む、貴銃士×育成ゲーム。 貴銃士を呼び覚まし、従える力を持つ者はあなただけ。 さあ、貴銃士たちと共に、立ち向かえ! 【ストーリー】 古銃vs現代銃、絶望の戦い―― 圧政を

61.24 MB

A popular simulation RPG "Pocket Lord" that you can play free of charge, I have newly powered up as "Pocket Lord EX" and came back! It is an RPG (role

30.94 MB

Hannah and her first high school crush Jack are back and ready for the city adventures! Create new fashion trends, best makeup, stylish hairdos and cr

71.89 MB

Jump into the cockpit of the famous Mi-24 Hind combat helicopter. Start from the airbase and explore beautiful mountains or small towns. Destroy any b

43.97 MB

叮叮噹、叮叮噹。。。”熟悉的鈴聲響起,宣告著今年聖誕季的來臨!聖誕老爺爺滿載著大量禮物和全新挑戰,回到了藍色大陸,誰會成為今年最最幸運的勇士呢?大家快來一起【HOHOHO】吧! Merry Christmas! 全新玩法 等你來挑戰! 怪物攻城:為了爭奪聖誕禮物,大量怪物湧入主城內進行破壞!勇士們,

83.92 MB

※WOFFメリメロは、基本プレイ無料(アイテム課金型)のアプリです※ 【 ワールド オブ ファイナルファンタジー メリメロ 】 『ファイナルファンタジー』のモンスター育成ゲームがアプリで登場! FFの召喚獣やモンスターを、集めて、育てて、ぼうけんの旅へ サクサクプレイでスキマ時間も遊べる いちばんカ

51.76 MB

Our shopping games collection is bigger today with one of the newest fashion games called Mall Shopping Summer Fashion and there you can go to the mal

14.53 MB

全新改版 天下第一鏢局 跨服運標 梵天神裝等你來挑戰! 戰士、法師、道士經典職業自由搭配! 梵天神裝、華麗裝備、拉風翅膀、稀世稱號、酷炫技能!多種自主個性系統,由你決定你的與眾不同! 世界Boss、守衛比奇、野外PK、跨服天梯、公會爭霸等豐富玩法,休閒掛機、爽快戰鬥、輕鬆升級! ※跨服運標 號召公會

3.87 MB

由大宇正版授權,新仙劍奇俠傳手遊「仙劍逍遙遊」,我們將於9/20日 15:00正式開放,將邀你橫跨仙劍世界,再現最為感動情緣。 李逍遙、趙靈兒等歷代角色悉數登場。採用Q版水墨畫風、100%原著劇情、原班配音團隊,讓你重溫暖心舊夢。同時還融合酷炫靈獸、禦靈助陣等特色,百種絕技助你遨遊天下。激萌寵物,神

83.06 MB
Fruit-Full 2.0.47

Tru-Cape brings you TakeAways from Nature, and now we are bringing you a whole new kind of fruity experience. Introducing Fruit-Full – our brand new M

59.32 MB