Reasoning in Hindi 1.3.0 [free]


Reasoning in Hindi app is Helpful for Railway SBI Clerk 2017,SO and even all Competitive Exam.
Bank exams and other entrance test of various institutions.Because logical reasoning reveals a person’s ability to analyse and to make the decision based on the given
conditions.In our application, the available features make you to be the best in problem solving skills.
Content of Reasoning in HIndi App:
वर्णमाला (Alphabets)
सादृश्यता (Analogy)
शब्दो का सार्थक क्रम
रक्त संबंध (Blood-Relation)
वर्गीकरण (Classification)
कैलेण्डर (Calendar)
घन एवं पासा (Cube And Dice)
कूटलेखन-कूटवाचन (Coding-Decoding)
कथन एवं कार्यवाही (Courses Of Action)
ऑकडो की पर्याप्तता (Data Sufficiency)
दिशा और दूरी (Direction And Distance)
समस्या-समाधान (Problems Solving)
कथन एवं निष्कर्ष (Statement And Conclusion)
श्रंखला (Series)
संकेत और अंकनपद्धति (Symbols और Notation)
कथन और पूर्वधारणाएँ (Statement & Assumptions)
वेन आरेख (Venn Diagram)

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  • Applicatie Naam: Reasoning in Hindi
  • Categorieën: Onderwijs
  • App Code: in.reasoning_hindi.reasoning_verbal_hindi
  • Nieuwste versie: 1.3.0
  • eis: 4.1 of hoger
  • bestand Grootte : 4.96 MB
  • Werk tijd: 2018-10-22