Kitab Maulid 1.4 [free]


Nabi Muhammad SAW sendiri mengagungkan hari kelahirannya dengan puasa, sebagaimana hadis, “Dari Abu Qatadah ra., sesungguhnya Rasulullah SAW telah ditanya
perihal puasa hari Senin, beliau bersabda: “Pada hari itu aku dilahirkan dan pada hari itu pula wahyu diturunkan.” (HR. Muslim)
Sesungguhnya Nabi Muhammad saw. adalah utusan Allah dan rahmat bagi sekalian alam. Nabi Muhammad saw. adalah nikmat terbesar dan anugerah teragung yang Allah berikan
kepada alam semesta.
Allahumma Sholli A'la Muhammad..
-.Maulid Adiya'U Lami
- Maulid Simthudurror
- Maulid Al Barjanzi (Natshar)
- Maulid Albarjanzi (Nazhom)
- Maulid Ad Diba'i
- Maulid Burdah
Semoga Bermanfaat

Prophet Muhammad himself glorify his birthday with fasting, as the hadith, "From Abu Qatadah ra., Indeed the Prophet was asked about fasting on Monday, he
said:" On that day I was born, and the day was also a revelation revealed. "(HR . Muslim)
Indeed, the Prophet Muhammad. is the messenger of Allah and mercy to all the worlds. Prophet Muhammad SAW. is the largest and the grace of the greatest favors that God
gave to the universe.
Allahumma Sholli A'la Muhammad ..
-.Maulid Adiya'U Lami
- Maulid Simthudurror
- Mawlid Al Barjanzi (Natshar)
- Mawlid Albarjanzi (Nazhom)
- Maulid Ad Diba'i
- Maulid Burdah
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  • Applicatie Naam: Kitab Maulid
  • Categorieën: Boeken en referentie
  • App Code: com.inshomedia.kitabmaulid
  • Nieuwste versie: 1.4
  • eis: 3.0.x of hoger
  • bestand Grootte : 3.23 MB
  • Werk tijd: 2019-05-14