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If you are interested in the field of engineering and vibrations then Vibrations Analysis is a must have tool. Using the built-in accelerometer, it al

2.53 MB

This is a simple tool. You can check the vibration of your device. You can specify the period of time for continuous vibration. You can interrupt vibr

2.21 MB

Vibration Application For Massage

4.05 MB

The perfect tool to detect which guy fits to you best. A fantastic app to compare and manage your men ;). Just enter what values are important to you.

2.33 MB
Gay Vibrator 3.0.1

This application is able to vibrate and massage the different parts of the body using the vibration ability of the Smartphone. Have control in the pal

2.61 MB

오늘의tv 편성표제공 어플

1.59 MB

For you already know this application is an improvement of Moto Led Enabler With it you can: * Controlling the intensity of light * Select which appli

6.03 MB

Locate Me Now will pinpoint your current location by way of Geo-Locating services that plots your exact position every 5-seconds. Your current locatio

22.36 MB
G5 Plus 1.0.1

Chuango G5 Plus GSM/SMS Alarm System with Touch Panel A proud winner of the 2013 IFSEC & FIREX Awards in the U.K., Chuango G5 is the epitome of aesthe

13.73 MB

Sensor Alarm Movement. Detects when the cell has moved. alerts you with an audible alarm any movement of the cell. Alarm alerts you if a move independ

1.08 MB
R.C.P. 2.0

Consulta el padrón Nacional 2015 para las elecciones Municipales Ingresando tu nro de Cédula y fecha de nac. ya podes ver el local y la MESA donde vot

2.51 MB

1.57 MB

快速查看公交卡余额及交易记录,支持的以下城市的公交卡:北京,深圳,武汉,香港,青岛,西安(理论支持所有城市的公交卡)。 软件特色: - 免费 - 轻量级UI - 为NFC手机量身打造 - 符合NFC手机用户的操作习惯。 使用方法: 将NFC芯片放在NFC手机的识别区域内,软件会自动将芯片中的内容识别

1.44 MB

Beauty Camera Pro Photo Editor now and edit your photos like a pro Beauty Star Easy photo Editor provides all the best and professional photo editor.

25.23 MB
Randomizator 1.1.1

Life is full of decisions, from minor to those that are crucial to your future life. The uncertainty or emotional judgments blur the capability of tak

1.11 MB

Graphing parabola equations has never been easier! Easy Graphing Calculator is a free, simple tool to aid users in visualizing any quadratic or linear

1.73 MB

الصلاة هي بلا شك من أهم العبادات , ومن اهم اركانها هو الصلاة في وقتها حتى لا نكون من الذين وصفهم الله بقوله "الذين هم عن صلاتهم ساهون" صدق الله العظيم

11.12 MB

Today you can restore deleted messages from your Android phone or from your Watsp all you need to follow the steps in the application Each one of us o

2.46 MB

What you can do with this app? You can backup your installed apps to SD card & free up your phone memory.

4.2 MB

App Backup & Restore is a Small, Simple, Easy backup & restore tool. App Backup & Restore is a elegant and powerful app to backup your Android applica

2.79 MB