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Ed Sheeran bütün şarkılarını dinleyebileceğiniz güzel bir müzik uygulamasıdır

2.75 MB

Create a custom sound board with your microphone. Record as many recording you want and give them a name. Play them back by using the buttons on the s

7.2 MB
SingOn 1.1

A new generation of singing games has arrived! SingOn is currently available in PlayStation®Store in the UK and Finland. Download and try it for free.

2.34 MB

Microphone heaven! Microphone small sound!

3.34 MB

This app lets you listen to Quran Qiraat MP3. Its free to download but its online app.Listen to amazing quran qiraat from differents Islamic scholars.

3.89 MB

Qiroah is the skill of reading (maharah al-qira'ah) that is presenting the lesson material by first prioritizing reading, the teacher first read the t

12.08 MB

Muzammil Hasballah yang lahir pada tahun 1993, pemuda asal aceh ini adalah Mahasiswa Arsitektur Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) angkatan 2011, merupa

2.77 MB

H. Muammar ZA is an qori scale International has won MTQ national Indonesian or International level, in addition to the H. Muammar ZA is a Hafidz (pe

3.33 MB

Aplikasi ini di peruntukkan bagi muslim / orang islam dimana saja anda berada. Anda bisa belajar Tilawatil Qu'an dan Qori dengan mudah melalui panduan

3.12 MB

App Koleksi Qiroah MP3 merupakan koleksi edufans mengenai lantunan qoriah yang merdu dari Qari terkenal yang salah satunya adalah Muzammil Hasballah.

55.57 MB

H. Chumaidi Hambali adalah seorang qori international. Beliau Qori Terbaik Internasional tahun 1981. Beliau adalah Rekan Duet H Muammar ZA.Beliau Qori

3.09 MB

Children Qori is an application that contains a collection of Children Qori like - Syamsuri Firdaus (Indonesia) - Muhammad Zuhaifa (Indonesia) - Rajif

3.41 MB

H. Muammar ZA is an qori scale International has won MTQ national Indonesian or International level, in addition to the H. Muammar ZA is a Hafidz (pe

3.03 MB

is an application that contains a collection of international qori like - H. Muammar ZA - H. Sidiq Mulyana - Rajif Fandi - H. Hawasi Nawawi and many m

3.94 MB

Syamsuri Fidaus is a qori national and international from Indonesia. he is qori teenagers today Syamsuri was national champion in 2012 qori category o

3.13 MB

Home Qori is an application that contains a collection of Qori Al-Qur'an in International and National such as - Muhammad Farhan - Muhammad Firdaus -

3.51 MB

Aplikasi ini berisi Kumpulan Mp3 Tilawati dan Qori Al-Qur'an dengan Qori Qori Pilihan baik dari dalam negeri (nasional) maupun Qori dari Luar Negeri (

3.07 MB

Kumpulan Surat Pendek Al-Quran Mp3 dengan qori Syaikh Sami Ad-Dosary yang merupakan salah satu pakar tilawah al-Qur’an lainnya yang berasal dari neger

38.39 MB
Al Quran 1.0

Al-Quran The Al-Qur'an is the holy book of Islam. Muslims believe that the Al-Qur'an is the revelation of God Subhana Wataala peak and cover destined

97.01 MB

Al-Quran MP3 Full 30 Juz, comes as a light and guide the lives of Muslims, towards the path of truth. Al-Quran MP3 Full 30 Juz is reading verses conta

10.71 MB