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◉تطوير شامل للتطبيق◉ تم في هذه النسخة تطوير التطبيق من حيث التصميم والأداء واضافة المزيد من الخصائص المهمة وهي: ◉ تسجيل العضوية والتفعيل بسهولة. ◉ اضا

4.11 MB

حكم و أقوال تهز القلوب بالصور هو تطبيق جديد على جوجل بلاي يتضمن مجموعة من الحكم و الأقوال التي اخدت من الحياة كعبرة للانسان تساعده على المضي في حياته

4.33 MB

حب في مهب الريح هو التطبيق الذي يجمع بين الرومنسيات الحب و الخواطر به كلام غاية من الروعة حروف وكلمات على صور تنير قلبك عبارات تهز الجوارح وكلام حب يه

3.02 MB

برنامج كلمات تنير العقول هو مجاني يوصل لك المعلومة في صورة ماعليك إلى ان تفسر الهذف من الحكمة او الموقف.. تجدون كلمات معبرة وصور رومنسية وعبارات مقتطف

3.42 MB

تطبيق: كروشيه يشمل العديد من موديلات الخياطة باليد كذلك فساتين أطفال ملابس لنساء و ديكورات للمنزل بالإضافة إلى صور شلات الكروشيه جلابة مفارش سرير ناب

3.08 MB

تطبيق يحتوى على صور مضحكة للواقع نتمنى ان ينال اعجابكم ولا تنسو التقييم بالخمس نجوم

2.89 MB

Sexy Prom Dress Fashion makeover photo collection ! Try this application, you can edit your pictures and makeover your Sexy Prom Dress Fashion photos

15.08 MB

Here comes the new The Sexy Lips theme! With The Sexy Lips wallpaper and best icons, it will make your phone more attractive. If you install The Sexy

1.57 MB
Whisper 1.1

When it is reluctant to publish a mobile phone number in public places Be quiet! Please make sure only your number. Intended use) And to inform the ph

2.51 MB

People really enjoy getting tattoos. Especially in the warmer months, it seems that desire heightens. It's usually because in the Summer time especial

2.1 MB

In this article you are going to learn how to apply eye makeup and get awesome results. As you probably know, your overall appearance can be greatly e

5.79 MB

craft bracelets have also gained popularity among . Many beads are seen with their bracelets. Mostly are models so they use expensive pieces. friendsh

2.52 MB

bracelet is the art of making accessories from the recycled material. there are so many kind example of bracelets like homemade bracelets, cool bracel

4.28 MB

Bracelet known as a sweetener for your hands other than a watch. Made of various materials and designs, bracelets makes you look more perfect. Not onl

14.62 MB

Hey DIY lovers are you looking for some new challenges to make something unique by yourself? If you are, then you are on the right place for that, bec

8.72 MB

Macrame is a form of textile-making that does not involve the typical way of weaving or knitting, but rather by a series of knots. It is believed to h

8.77 MB

Bracelet is a jewelry that is familiar, especially for women. For some people, wearing a bracelet is a means to beautify the appearance or even serve

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Did you know that the history of friendship bracelets can be traced back to Central and South America where native Indian tribes tied bracelets to fri

3.79 MB

Bracelet is a jewelry that is circular in the hands or feet of a person. Traditionally bracelets are usually made of precious metal materials such as

4.26 MB

a bracelet ideas imagination is a loop of material, such as a strap or chain, that is intended to be worn around the wrist or forearm, without being a

12.26 MB