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Download Video Downloader for Facebook apk latest version.

2.64 MB
Video Maker 2.0.0

Download Video Maker apk latest version.

18.49 MB

This simple application wraps the official web site ( to allow an easy access from Android devices. Application provides a

1.6 MB

안드로이드 클라이언트와 사물기기간에 연결매개체로서 챗팅하듯이 명령을 주고 받습니다 사용자가 보낸 메시지 규칙에 따라 ePosition MQTT Broker Server 를 통해 사물기기에 메시지를 Publish하고 아두이노 또는 라즈베리파이 등등..에 입력된 명령어를

1.39 MB

Download Wifi Passwarod Show Urdu apk latest version.

3.98 MB

Download Colorful Party Ligths apk latest version.

2.22 MB

كلنا نعلم أن الشيطان هو عدو الإنسان اللدود منذ الأزل ، فمنذ بدء الخلق ؛ أي منذ خلق الله عزوجل سيدنا آدم عليه السلام رفض أن يسجد له ، بحُجّة أنه خُلقَ

3.12 MB

Qu'est-ce qu'est Craftyourliferp ? Craftyourliferp est serveur minecraft, comme son nom l'indique, qui est rp ( Roleplay ). Un serveur fondé en mai 20

47.36 MB

In this app, we will showcase you our SDK. You can see the different situations, in which you can use our technology. Enjoy!

10.2 MB

Clipper Sync Plugin enables online synchronization in the Clipper Plus with Sync clipboard management app. This is only an addon to that application:

1.98 MB
TV directo 1.0.1

Download TV directo apk latest version.

390.67 KB

Sample for GestureViews library: ImageView and FrameLayout with gestures control and position animation.

4.86 MB
NextVid 2.3.1

A program with the ability to playlist without stopping .This app is one of the best apps video player youtube will be counted and can use it even wh

925.01 KB
Cinemagram 1.1.1

Cinemagram is an attractive application for creative people. You'll be able to take short video clips, in the style of animated GIFs, apply filters a

20.23 MB

Download VlDMATE apk latest version.

5.9 MB

Anyline is a text recognition technology that enables smartphones and smart devices to scan and read numbers, codes and text. The Anyline OCR Scanner

35.44 MB

You need to activate this service if you want to receive notifications in Smart Launcher.NOTE 1: You need the latest version of SL installed to use th

454.47 KB

CopyAndTranslate automatically pop-up ColorDict/MDict/BlueDict floating window as well as Google Translate to show the word that is copied into the An

4.43 MB

This app is only a donation app if you intent to support Motion Detector Pro

18.79 KB

CereProc has developed the world's most advanced text to speech technology. Our voices not only sound real, they have character, making them suitable

2.02 MB