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16th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics (APCP) 2018 and 9th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric Society (ASMIPS)/PIT-IKA 2018 SDGs and

14.04 MB

The Boomerang All Stars are competing for the All Stars cup, will your team be the best? Choose your own Boomerang team and get ready to guide them th

91.39 MB

★ 축구팬의 완소앱, 앱스토어 스포츠 1위! ☆ 2018 러시아 WC 일정 업데이트! ★ 대표팀, 주요 대회 일정 신속 업데이트! 여러분의 리뷰와 제안 메일 빠짐 없이 모두 확인하고 있습니다. 다양한 의견과 격려에 진심으로 감사드립니다. ----- "해외파 경기 언제지

7.1 MB

Sentiv incentivizes you to be your best self. It is the first app that organizes virtual fitness fundraising campaigns for different charity organizat

30.16 MB

Launched in December 2017, NamasteMD is the most convenient way for Canadians to see a health care practitioner for their medical marijuana prescripti

27.7 MB

POSEBNA NAGRADA DRZNI 2014 — časnik Medicina Danes **************************** Mediately Register Zdravil - Popolna zbirka podatkov o zdravilih na vo

60.76 MB

Why is it important? According to studies about 50% of patients don’t take their medicine as prescribed by their doctors. This lead to inefficient tre

15.22 MB

臺北榮總處方集 請注意: 1:目前本版僅供特定人員測試使用,初次使用時請輸入院內主機帳號密碼 2:本處方集因系統較大,請使用中階以上的手機 下載或安裝及使用問題 請回報 [email protected] 我們會儘速修正,謝謝 Taipei Veterans General Hos

11.49 MB

Hello users!! It is one of the best and finest game for android Enjoy Temple Run by downloading it on your android ... It's very good to have to time

6.36 MB

This application is for football fans. You can get all of our football tips, odd changes and any latest news in our app. Please download our app and s

13.45 MB

The transfer of health bracelet, movement is a set of records, heart rate monitors, sleep monitoring, and other functions in one of the health managem

11.28 MB

*** This is the best application for MLB / Baseball fan: - Live scores directly from the source, the 1st live score service on the Internet. - This ap

5.06 MB

*** This is the best application for NBA / Basketball fan: - Live scores directly from the source, the 1st live score service on the Internet, powered

5.03 MB

¡Ya está aquí! Tras meses de desarrollo y pruebas lanzamos una nueva actualización en la que hemos tenido en cuenta los comentarios recibidos durante

22.31 MB

This app will measure the ball possession, goal, shoot and pass. Let's try it! Function Introduction: - Measurement of ball possession - Match Results

4.55 MB
Senza 1.19.2

You've heard about the ketogenic way of eating and you want to do it right. Let Senza show you how. Get your macros, keto-specific food tracking, reci

41.29 MB

Q7 SmartWatch is an application that can pass the data between wearable watches and Android devices. It is able to supports bluetooth smartwatch .You

30.93 MB
Brasfoot 2018 brasfoot.2018.0042

No Brasfoot você comanda um time de futebol, compra e vende jogadores, escolhe as táticas e participa dos campeonatos que simulam a realidade. O jogo

2.71 MB
Pedometer 1.1.3

# About This is an application that makes smartphones easily pedometer (pedometer) easily. It is convenient for recording step counts at daily commute

3.26 MB

診療報酬辞典機能:月額200円(税抜) (告示・通知・施設基準・事務連絡・審査情報) 適応疾患辞典機能:月額300円(税抜) (医学管理・在宅医療・検査・画像診断の保険適応疾患情報) 診療報酬点数辞典は、診療行為名称から簡単に点数や通則・通知などを確認することができます。 レセプトに必要な情報を閲覧

20.42 MB