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豆瓣线上活动客户端豆瓣线上活动 ( ) 是豆友们用图片分享生活中的快乐与新鲜事的地方,在这里,不论是“看截图猜电影”还是“秀一下家里的宠物”,总能找到让你惊喜的图片。拿起手机,随时随地参与你最感兴趣的活动,上传最有意思的图片。支持浏览线上活

1.87 MB
百度美拍 3.0.1

百度美秀是一个“真实的”、“有声的”美女自拍社区 贴心宅男福利:各色大图,有声有色,与您的女神“0”距离接触!, 引爆娱乐圈:几百位明星模特倾情入驻,一致推荐!功能亮点: 【美女都在这里】 你想看的,你想要的,这里全都有!【明星都在这里】 唐嫣、刘美人、徐海星、许添、杨梓、温雅、方龄、杨子

13.5 MB
Starvue 5.7.0

This app has been listed at Newswire ( )For all the tv show lov

2.63 MB
Top Draft 1.2.3

Top Draft is an unofficial companion app for Dota 2 that computes matchups between sets of heroes using real game data from Valve's Dota 2 servers.Fi

3.43 MB
BTController 1.5.5

BT Controller allows you to use your android device as a gamepad controller for any other android device, becoming a portable console.For example, you

3.74 MB

Tuturu button, a button to get your Tuturu fix, or to announce your presence.

2.72 MB
暦物語 1.0.6

スマホと過ごす一年間の〈物語〉◆毎週更新!アニメ「暦物語」 ここでしか見られない新作短編アニメーション「暦物語」◆日めくりカレンダー 毎日異なるキャラクターたちのカットとボイスが聞ける!◆スタンプ カレンダーをめくった日にはそのキャラクターのスタンプが押されていきます。 ひと月コンプリートするとプレ

53.88 MB
Moji Mix 1.1

Moji Mix is a free emoji maker appMoji Mix lets you make your own customized emojisCreate your unlimited collection of personalized emojisBrowse from

40.18 MB

Hacker Swiper is an open source Android app inspired by http://www.hackertyper.netIf you like it, check out Hacker Swiper Pro, which includes:* The of

1.75 MB
Magic Finger 1.1.7

Magic Finger is designed to let you bring your phone screen to live by DIY your own exclusive HD wallpaper and animated screen Lock, making your devic

19.26 MB
Elements 1.0

Elements is a playful application that lets you create intricate patterns, by combining shape creation with movement and rotation controls. Each patte

697.88 KB
Ink 1.6

Autodesk® SketchBook® Ink is an intuitive pen & ink drawing app designed for tablets 7" and above. Built on a new resolution independent engine, Sketc

9.62 MB

Androidify yourself by customizing the little green Android as yourself, your family, your friends, anyone! Stretch it, shrink it, add a hoody, style

10.73 MB
游拍 2.0.3


10.98 MB
Tarot 2.7.2

[Tarot] provides free tarot divination![Five Main Features]1.22 major arcanes.2.Comprehensive analyses for each card.3.Perfect animatic effects for pr

7.99 MB

Fortune Cookies gives you access to classic quotations daily in various categories like art, bored, fun, happiness, humor, inspiration, love, wisdom o

4.02 MB

Flowpaper is an interactive drawing tool that lets you make beautiful flowing paintings using your finger tip. Perfect for making a personal backgroun

6.39 MB
ArtBoard 2.1.3

Artboard is a powerful, easy-to-use drawing application that has everything you need to create incredible digital illustrations—for free! With a full

44.01 MB

Read all your offline comics with this beautiful comic viewer app.NOTE: Comics are not included! You have to obtain the comics yourself in a legal way

7.08 MB
DraftPro 1.31

DraftPro uses statistics from Dotabuff to suggest the best and worst heroes to pick against an enemy lineup in Dota 2. Select up to five heroes from t

3.94 MB