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This application is a short biography of the list of Indonesian hero. an Indonesian hero application that provides a more complete information, more d

6.42 MB
Dickens AR 3.0.2

These die-cut flashcards provide children with lots of opportunities for conversation and vocabulary expansion. The Dickens AR app lets children scan

15.72 MB

A simple but fun application to learn about the planets in our solar system and watch them orbit the sun

15.96 MB

-solar System ,planets information added - Pictures and sounds - information about solar system and planets - useful for students and learners - usefu

9.23 MB
Solar System 1.0.0

Solar System This app gives a information of our solar system.App provide basic information and some interesting facts about each planet.

4.65 MB
3Dplanets 0.0.1

Its a full 3D solar systems with planets. Mercury, Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Features: * Distance between planets. *Siz

3.84 MB

Soeharto merupakan salah satu pahlawan nasional indonesia, dikenal sebaga satu-satunya Presiden di Indonesia yang memiliki masa jabatan terlama yaitu

4.41 MB

ABC Alphabet AR Card for ABC Flash Card. Use Augmented Reality Technology.

80.16 MB

This application has notes of every aspect of the Engineering Drawing Subject in HINDI. This is specifically made for the students who have trouble un

5 MB

Lagu Nasional adalah kumpulan lagu-lagu wajib nasional Indonesia dan juga lagu perjuangan Indonesia serta Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia yang dirangkum dal

55.57 MB

Aplikasi ini adalah edisi kedua koleksi lagu-lagu wajib & nasional bangsa Indonesia dengan tujuan untuk mendidik anak-anak, murid/pelajar dan orang de

93.76 MB

Lagu Wajib Nasional Indonesia adalah lagu-lagu kebangsaan yang diakui oleh negara sebagai lagu yang bersifat Nasional. Sebagai bangsa yang besar, tent

31.84 MB

Aplikasi yang bersifat edukasi dengan tujuan untuk mengajarkan anak, remaja & orang dewasa untuk mengenal & mengetahui lagu wajib & lagu nasional bang

92.31 MB

An AR on which when the target display is place in front of the camera, a Tyrannosaurus Rex will appear. You may have seen Jurassic Park, but you have

30.59 MB

It is a virtual journey through space in our solar system, you will have the possibility to visualize with the new technology of Augmented Reality by

79.73 MB

Indonesia adalah negara yang terdiri dari berbagai macam suku bangsa. Dari sabang sampai merauke terdapat ratusan suku bangsa yang berbeda. Kemajemuka

26.69 MB
CBT SD/MI 1.0.0

Berisi Soal Simulasi Ujian SD

33.02 MB

Escolar Manager Smart, visando sempre diferenciais e inovações oferece aos pais, responsáveis financeiros, responsáveis acadêmicos, alunos, docentes e

14.27 MB


1.32 MB

Teog Master, Teog Fen Denemeleri uygulaması, Teog Sınavları için Fen denemeleri ve detaylı anlık başarı analizi içerir. Bu versiyon içerisinde 2017 Te

8.01 MB