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Média 1.0.2

o Calcular média é um app desenvolvido para facilitar o calculo de médias, se a formula de calculo de sua escola/faculdade não estiver aqui nos envie

4.23 MB
SMART lab 1.0.253

Join and play educational games and activities in class! Students work together and compete against classmates in Monster Quiz, contribute to class di

2.05 MB

ETG har tagit fram en digital loggbok som underlättar samarbetet mellan elev, lärare och handledare när eleven är på arbetsplatsförlagt lärande (APL).

14.53 MB

BCA HUB application has been created so that the followers of the website can now easily get the updates of the website through the

1.59 MB

Hello *Ignou Students* This is the updated version of IGNOU result. Now no need to *Googling* for searching result Just download the app and all your

4.46 MB

Simple Italiano will allow you to easily remember words in Italian that you are learning each day. Simply enter them into the application and Simple I

2.97 MB
iTalk 1.3.0

English test sample

6.1 MB

Chemical Equation helps you capture the ordinary chemical knowledge. The number of very large equation, helps you quickly find the equation from simpl

4.17 MB

The app allow you to search chemistry terms and see the definition for the same. Chemistry Dictionary, learn and consult terms of chemistry. Lern Chem

9.43 MB

O Aplicativo Autismo Projeto Integrar tem o objetivo de auxiliar pessoas com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) na organização de suas Atividades da

13.14 MB

LAST MINUTE: Para repasar y estudiar a última hora o los últimos días - Exámenes de 2014 (otros años era otro temario) - Preguntas sueltas recopiladas

3.99 MB

This app empowers you to use dijkstra algorithm. Create nodes and edges between them. Give the edges weight and select a start node. Now find out the

1.39 MB
Scudd PSA 1.0

This app is developed to determine the unconstrained minimum of a function of several variables without calculating their derivatives. The app is deri

2.56 MB
TransportsOP 1.5.0

Application to perform calculations for transportation problems (operations research), using: least cost method, vogel, northwest corner, and stepping

2.1 MB

Linear Programming (LP) is a mathematical modelling technique useful for allocation of limited resources such as material, machines etc to several com

2.46 MB

Programmer Mental Math lets you study programming math by using flashcards! It has several features including: -Converting between hexadecimal, binary

81.58 KB
ASCAA 1.2.1

O ASCAA(Analisador Simplificado e Controle de Animação de Algoritmos) e é um app voltado para o ensino de Estrutura de dados. Este app pode ser um aux

2.72 MB

各位同學,有否想過,其實你比想像中更富潛能優勢嗎? 有否想過,其實你可以為未來,找出更佳發展路向嗎?有否想過,找出內心深處, 真正的興趣嗎?有否想過,進入高等教育的快速通行證,其實你也可以擁有嗎? 你需要的,只是一次如Big Bang的潛能大引發﹗拼發出小宇宙的無限可能﹗ 只需15 - 20 分鐘,

24.25 MB
IMPS 2017 v2.7.10.3

This is the official app of the Psychometric Society. This year’s meeting will be held at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Using the app, you’ll

11.49 MB

This android application contains free questions papers of IGNOU BA in its original format pdf. Download these BA questions papers to know the pattern

2.36 MB