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MaRRS SPELLING BEE APP is a mobile app launched by MaRRS Intellectual Services Pvt Ltd., the organiser of the world’s largest spelling bee competition

5.94 MB

Children's music app HUMPTY DUMPTY: ENJOY great music and RECORD songs for FREE! Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall and then had a great fall resulting in hi

32.98 MB

Learn Shapes & Colors application is the product of Little Tree House Apps and eBooks for kids to learn about different shapes and colors in the Urdu

43.84 MB

Shikwa (Urdu: شکوہ‎) and Jawab-e-Shikwa (Urdu: جواب شکوہ‎) are poems written by well known Urdu language poet Muhammad Iqbal, which were later publish

13.51 MB

Noorani Qaida Lesson No#1 the first book for kids and elders to understand how to read holy Quran correctly.Noorani Qaidah is commonly used in South a

4.33 MB

Noorani Qaida Lesson No#3 the first book for kids and elders to understand how to read holy Quran correctly.Noorani Qaidah is commonly used in South a

6.95 MB
TouchReading 1.6.7

The Touch Reading - Kids Learning is the best learning app for kids provide an innovative, interactive and rewarding experience for little kids and to

69.45 MB

Scientific Calculator is very amazing and useful applications. This application is very popular in play store. This application Graphical user interfa

3.92 MB

Super Scientific calculator is the best free scientific calc with different modes, including: - Natural mathematical expressions calculation 32 digit

5.91 MB

* Math learning app for kids. * Easy number learning. * Math Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. * Sound enabled. * Easy navigation an

4.05 MB
日本史Ⅰ 1.0.1

中学受験にも適した日本史の初級クイズです。 古代から平安時代までを○×形式のクイズで勉強できます。 解答につけた解説を読むことによって、受験生だけでなく、一般の人も楽しみながら日本史の知識を身につけることができます。 30問のうち6割以上の正答を目指しましょう。

4.74 MB

3D Magic Bugs - 3D Magic Bugs 노트가 필요합니다. - App을 실행하셔서 AR Play를 선택하신 후 3D Magic Bugs 노트의 앞면을 비추시면 해당 곤충을 보실 수 있습니다. - 매미, 사슴벌레, 장수풍뎅이, 잠자리, 나비 5종의 곤충들을

43.66 MB

Proudly brought to you by MXRi, a spin-off company from the Mixed Reality Lab of the National University of Singapore (NUS). We are not affiliated, sp

43.53 MB

Cardboard VR required. Take a virtual tour inside a museum and learn about great educational projects made using VR technology. VR is a new technology

54.43 MB

**THIS APP REQUIRES THE USE OF A VR HEADSET** The Framed Virtual Reality Museum is a virtual reality experience curated by senior staff at 18 museums

96.06 MB

Explore the Beer Museum in this quick but awesome virtual reality experience, learn the most important years in the timeline of the beer history. - Wa

37.14 MB

Eco Localização Agudos, encontre ecopontos na sua cidade de maneira rápida e simples, recicle você também! Aplicativo tem como objetivo ajudar a encon

4.22 MB
eTEFL 1.2

In a nutshell, we don't just intend to sell our range of TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) online courses, but to provide elearning licens

2.54 MB

"Birds Coloring Book" is a free coloring page for kids on Android A lot of nice and cute birds images for kids You can find lovely bird, parrot,Cockat

7.02 MB
Countries 1.0

- Region - Flag - Capital - Languages - Area - Currencies - Gini - Population - Top Level Domain

5.36 MB