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MathHelper 4.0.1

Math Helper allows you not only to see the answer or result of a math or algebra problem, but you can also obtain a detailed step-by-step solution so

43.81 MB

Irregular Verbs is an educational and fun app where you can learn things about english irregular verbs and much more.It includes a trivia game where y

5.55 MB
CalcPro 1.6.1

This is an engineering calculator, with equation solvers, interpolations, matrices, wolfram alpha, converter, complex numbers, custom functions, varia

1.87 MB

An easy & interactive way to get a good basic understanding of human anatomy (name, placement and shape of muscles & bones) , also includes detailed i

20.96 MB
Star Walk Kids 2

Star Walk 2: Space for Kids will teach your children the basics of astronomy in an accessible and fascinating form. The app is an entertaining astrono

34.42 MB

Hubble Gallery is a simple and beautiful application for you to browse through all the amazing images and descriptions that the Hubble Space Telescope

4.11 MB
Kids Media 1.0.5

早教启蒙必备,英语学前助手,看动画,听儿歌,读故事,学知识,尽在儿童音像馆!7大类内容:儿歌童谣,童话故事,国学经典,儿童英语,卡通动画,启蒙认知,智力开发。数百早教绘本、动画,千余首儿歌、故事,不断更新中。内容丰富,免费下载!Kids Multimeida - 儿童音像馆

5.43 MB

◇With Material Design, So Smart. - Classnote : Simple Timetable◇It's recommended to students who want extremely simple school scheduler application. L

3.99 MB

The application contains more than 800 formulae integrated in 144 calculators.The program calculates the following: Area, Volume, Angle, Diagonal, Alt

2.41 MB

SkySafari Pro will completely replace your desktop astronomy software, and forever change the way you view the night sky. With SkySafari Pro, you can

18.64 MB


1.31 MB
Particles 1.7.1

Downloading this app, you'll get info about more than hundred particles and their antiparticles. Particles in this app are class ofFermionsBosonsLept

2.53 MB
APOD 1.05

Get the latest pictures from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) service.Each day a different image or photograph of our universe is featured,

3.25 MB
Words Plus 2.4.0


3.78 MB
Biscuit 4.0.4

EVERNOTE DEVCUP 2013 FINALISTBiscuit is the ultimate language learning sidekick - Faster than a dictionary, easier to use than traditional flash cards

34.9 MB
IdeaCalc 3.8.2

AI calculator perhaps is the most humanized calculator in android platform. It's most distinguishing feature is very adaptive to touch screen. It's ce

4.75 MB

可以离线使用的成语词典。 -- 功能特点: ★ 可以无条件的关闭广告。 ★ 共收录成语二万二千余条,其中正文条目五千余条,余为附录条目。 ★ 每条成语包括释义、出处、拼音、参考词、近义词、反义词等内容。 ★ 正文条目更包含内容非常丰富的典源及典源说明。 ★ 支持汉字、通配符号?、拼音首字

16.64 MB
Graph 89 1.1.3c

Graph 89 is an emulator for the TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-83 Plus Second Edition, TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Second Edition, TI89, TI89 Titanium, TI92 Plus an

6.56 MB

A fabulous set of tutorials to get you going using Python. These are not ordinary "watch and repeat" tutorials that you traditionally find on the inte

3.68 MB
Translator 1.3.3

Translator is an easy-using translation app.It meets the norms of Material Design.You can use it to make translation between Chinese and English.Of cu

1.54 MB