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Absolutely the premiere “APP” for the Prince Hall Freemasons, the Order of the Eastern Star (O.E.S.), The Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic

4.51 MB

We are offering the Paid version of Learn Arabic Speaking, there are no ads being used in this version. Arabic is known to have originated around 6th

9.39 MB

"Practice Makes Perfect" CEH v9 Study Questions is the only professional Android app you can invest in to effectively learn and practice your CEH know

332.96 KB

Complete WW2 German awards and medals guide with photos and descriptions. Full Version! Application does not require access to the Internet, so it is

24.18 MB

Представляем новый тренажер: "ПРОДВИНУТЫЙ КУРС АНГЛИЙСКОГО" Над приложением работали Дмитрий Петров лично и методисты Центра Д. Петрова. Внимание: все

1.25 MB

“English Grammar – Phrasal Verb” helps you learn phrasal verbs in a fun way! Get this app now to improve your TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, SAT, GMAT, GRE and

3.29 MB

Create matrices of any size by using a simple sintax to make calculations like determinants, inverse matrices, cofactors matrices, addition, subtracti

580.61 KB

Fluid Mechanics Calculator contains 97 Calculators, that can quickly and easily calculate different Fluid Mechanics, Civil, Structural, Pipe Flow and

774.17 KB

It’s a personal play date with Bubble Puppy! Send your child swimming into a fin-tastic play date with Bubble Puppy! Kids can dress him up in fun outf

11.97 MB

Memorize Quran aims on helping you easily learn the Quran by heart, featuring various methods like creating profiles, a progress indicator, pause betw

21.85 MB

A fun new sentence builder app is designed to learn about words, sentences, pronunciation, grammar, and punctuation. We worked closely with teachers,

7.81 MB

My Class Schedule keeps your student life organized! This app will not only keep you informed about your upcoming classes, but also reminds you of exa

2.78 MB

Want to give your students loads of activities to do with MIT's appinventor 2? Then here's the solution for you. Now first of all whilst these are scr

1.86 MB
Cevşen 1.1

Hayrat Yayinlarindan Büyük Cevşen Başta Sevgili Peygamberimiz (asm) olmak üzere, Hz. Üveyse'l-Karanî'den Hz. Abdülkadir Geylânî'ye, Hz. İmam-ı Bahâedd

24.56 MB

This is the official Offline Android App. There are over 800 lessons and 8,000 audio files to help you learn how to speak English flue

8.72 MB

Pocket Planets is the most comprehensive 3D Solar System Simulator in the Google Play Store. With accurate scale representation of the Sun, Planets, M

43.22 MB

You can only learn so much by reading. In order to become a Cisco pro and get the confidence you need to pass the Cisco certification exams, you need

15.47 MB

The version 2.0 of the app is available for download. Please search for iKnow Mushrooms 2 PRO. THE ULTIMATE FIELD GUIDE FOR MUSHROOMS AND MUSHROOM HUN

9.55 MB

★ Finally Robocar Poli is coming to your smart phone! ★ ★ Let’s play Robocar Poli sticker book together. ★ ■ Mainly for kids’ ■ - They are waiting to

19.45 MB
Dino Digger 2.0.1

Dig up dinosaur bones, build them into interactive 3D skeletons, and even bring your dino bones to life! Your positive feedback keeps more dinosaurs a

24.62 MB