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Pembelajaran Psikotes adalah sebuah aplikasi mobile berbasis Android yang dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran psikotes. Dimana di dalam aplikas

2.52 MB

Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi simulasi psikotes yang dapat memberikan penilaian terhadap kemampuan Inteligensi seseorang dan kepribadian seseorang.

29.27 MB

Reporting worldwide natural disasters news 24 hours a day. Recent Natural Disasters is an official app of, an independent webs

2.87 MB

Aplikasi FPM Matematika adalah Aplikasi Bank Soal Pemantapan Materi Matematika SMA yang berisi semua BAB mata pelajaran Matematika kelas 10, 11, dan 1

26.37 MB

Hindus across the world can use this app for their daily panchang, prayers, yoga/meditation/pranayama, videos, aarti and bhajans of Krishna, Shiva, Ra

43.53 MB
DEWN 1.4

DEWN allows you to access disaster alerts from the Sri Lanka Disaster Management Centre (DMC). This is a collaboration between Dialog, University of M

3.5 MB

Hanuman Chalisa is one of the great poetic works of Goswami Tulsidas. Reciting Hanuman Chalisa also helps in overcoming the bad effects of the Saturn.

5.28 MB

When a weather or disaster alert is issued activate the Personal Disaster Identification System and select the appropriate selection. Solid Red is for

1.19 MB

Hindu calendar 2016 allows you to view month, year, day, date, sun rise, sun set, moon rise, moon set, rutu, nakshatra, yoga, karan, amruthakalam, abh

20.45 MB

Itulah beberapa karakteristik belajar Fisika. Fisika diharapkan dapat menjadi wahana bagi peserta didik untuk mempelajari diri sendiri dan alam sekita

14.09 MB
Toeic 1.0

bagi anda yang sedang mempersiapkan ujian toeic, aplikasi ini adalah pilihan yang pas

23.71 MB
Hydroinfo 1.3.7

Az Országos Vízügyi Főigazgatóság (OVF) keretein belül működő Országos Vízjelző Szolgálat (OVSZ) az év minden egyes napján készít vízállás-előrejelzés

7.96 MB

Computer-Based Test (CBT) adalah suatu sistem seleksi langsung secara online di depan komputer di lokasi ujian yang telah ditentukan. Hasil seleksi da

5.31 MB
Weather 1.0

Weather (Mobile) “Weather is the state of the atmosphere, to the degree that it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. Weather,

3.29 MB
ABB review 1.3.2

ABB review is the corporate technology journal of the ABB Group. Four issues are published per calendar year and made available free of charge to any

3.9 MB

Weather Marrakech offers the free weather forecast 5 days on the city of Marrakech and the biggest cities of Morocco: Casablanca, Fes, Kenitra, Benime

1.56 MB

Purnima, or Poornima, is the full moon day in traditional Hindu calendar. In a lunar calendar, followed in India, Poornima marks the end of a month an

430.59 KB

The Natural Disaster Alerts Map application is free and displays the locations of and information about recent earthquakes, tropical cyclones, volcani

131.18 KB

This is IC Weather Pro widget plugin, you need to purchase IC Weather Pro before installing it. *** NOTE: Please install the main program before insta

1.78 MB

Weminder Lite is a clean and neat weather application to let you get the most updated weather information including current temperature, same day high

2.26 MB