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Mr. ATM 2.1

Forget to withdraw money for a date with your special one? Stop embarrassing yourself. Mr. ATM got your back. Just open the app, and you will see all

13.35 MB

فرضَ الله على المُسلِم من الصلوات خمس فرائِض هي الفجر والظهر والعصر والمغرب والعشاء، و كان النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم يصلي النوافل قبل و بعد الفريضة تق

3.8 MB

من خلال هذا التطبيق ستتعرف على ما يلي: كيفية صلاة الفجر المفروضة. كيفية صلاة رغيبة الفجر. الفرق بين صلاة الفجر و الصبح. كيف تحافظ على صلاة الفجر. عظمة

3.79 MB

صلاة التوبة، و تسمى كذلك صلاة الإستغفار، من النوافل التي يغفل عنها الأكثرية من المسلمين. هذه الصلاة يحتاجها كل واحد منا و التي في الغالب يبكي فوها الم

4.75 MB

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild guide includes a full game Walkthrough to all dungeons, Interactive Map of all important locations, like Shrin

4.59 MB

Neko gallery for all neko lovers! 100+ images of cute catgirls! HD quality nekomimi images! Save images to SD card, set as wallpaper, share nekos on t

88.07 MB

Altbäume sind von besonderem Interesse für den Naturschutz. Im Umfeld von Altbäumen, insbesondere in den Baumkronen, lebt eine Vielzahl von Arten, die

5.64 MB

Armenian radios brings collection of your favorite radios and FM stations from Armenia streaming live on your android devices.Now enjoy listening to t

4.56 MB

The best Ukraine music stations in one place. You can choose your favorite Radio stations and access them easily. After 3 attempts to connect to radio

15.15 MB

Радио Вероника - Ритъмът на сърцето! Това е официалното приложение на Радио Вероника. Радио Вероника обединява музиката от Балканския регион, Близкия

4.99 MB
mobil info 2.8.65

Lassen Sie sich von der mobil info App im Kreis Soest und im Hochsauerlandkreis begleiten! Die mobil info App ermittelt die besten Verbindungen im Kre

8.77 MB
UIC Maps 1.22.0

UIC Maps is Hegemony Software's flavor of our Campus Map product for the University of Illinois. Specialized to your specific campus needs, and brough

2.27 MB

Funny GIF for Whatsapp is a collections of all the latest and funniest GIF for entertainment purpose to share to your family and friends for fun. Choo

19.92 MB
Pegasus 2.1

It doesn't matter if your reservations were booked over the phone, on-line or via your mobile device, Pegasus Mobile allows you to manage all your gro

2.53 MB
LIFT 1.0.5

*Track your Driver in real time *Cash and Credit card payment *Advanced Reservation *Choose your car- Sedan, SUV, Vans - Choose a ride that's suits yo

6.21 MB

Just simple Radio streaming app. Choose Radio from 50000 radio stations, sorted by local radios, country or just search them by radio station name. Al

14.12 MB

Слушай на живо радио Веселина навсякъде през своя Android Телефон. Виж през телефона си коя песен върви в момента по любимата ти радио станция в реалн

3.39 MB


21.83 MB
uTaxi Driver 1.5.2

გადმოწერეთ აპლიკაცია, დარეგისტრირდით მძღოლად და მიიღეთ შემოსავალი !!! კომფორტული , ხელმისაწვდომი , ეფექტური და მარტივი! ჩვენთან მუშაობის უპირატესობები

4.89 MB
名言SAO 1.0.2

毎日あいた時間を利用してクイズを解いていけば必ずあなたの 心に響く名言に出会え、その場面を思い出せると思います。 キャラたちの名言から感動の名場面があなたの心のなかに蘇るでしょう。 あなたの人生を前向きにする名言やセリフに出会えるといいですね! 【アプリ説明】 ・名言はランダムに出題してあります。

5.29 MB