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Quest'applicazione mostra il set dei caratteri ASCII 0-127 (esclusi quelli stampabili) con il corrispondente valore numerico decimale ed esadecimale.

136.22 KB

YOUR COLLECTIONS AT YOUR FINGER TIPS - ANYTIME, ANYWHERE Finally, it’s fun and easy to keep track of your CDs, books, watches, wish lists, and other c

23.28 MB

Angel Tour Manager (ATM) is a Tour Schedule Manager for Sales persons. This APP is exclusively designed for Angel Pumps Private Limited, Rajkot, Gujar

4.23 MB
Glitch Festival 2016

Glitch at Rua Red 2016 is curated by MART ( Ciara Scanlan + Matthew Nevin) In this app you can find full info on the festival, social medi

19.33 MB
DVUE 2.5

D'Vue is the next step for Timeline Alive - an app which combined art with technology, Focussed on designer inspired cover photos and Augmented Realit

43.76 MB

Convertidor de caracteres ASCII es una herramienta que nos permite obtener el valor de un carácter ASCII. La aplicación nos permite representarlo medi

615.47 KB

★★★ AUTOMATICALLY arms whenever it detects a long period of no movement ★★★ A new way to prevent your phone/tablet from being stolen. All these other

940.07 KB

Simple ASCII chart showing char, dec, hex, octal, and binary. Requires no permissions.

41.97 KB
Books 3.1

This app is a Book Manager, Collector, Organizer, Inventory, Database, List, and Buddy Quickly catalog, filter, sort, and manage all of the books you

11.82 MB

Text Generator merupakan aplikasi android gratis yang didalamnya terdapat aplikasi untuk merubah gaya tulisan normal menjadi berbeda dari yang lain. F

1.7 MB

This tool allows you to convert ASCII characters to their binary, decimal, or hexadecimal values. You can convert characters on the fly and it allows

341.04 KB

Easily convert text between different bases and encoding types using this lightweight, simple and fast app. Supports: * Plain Text * ASCII/Decimal * B

13.33 KB

Two-way ASCII encoding between text and hex, decimal, or binary. Copy-and-pasting is enabled in multiple ways for ease of use. Current version: - Text

2.24 MB

Text Encode All converts, hashes and encodes text out of the box! ★ FEATURES ★ • ASCII encoding / decoding • DECIMAL encoding / decoding • OCTAL encod

4.2 MB

Who doesn’t love saving money while shopping? Or pay less for more? Now is available as a user friendly app to make your shopping exper

4.21 MB

You'll get a full color ASCII art version of your photo with this app. Image to ASCII works perfectly when you share it on Facebook, Instagram or on a

3.01 MB

With this app you can see all the characters which corresponds to ASCII-Values. A simple ASCII Chart for developers or anyone who needs to lookup ASCI

95.34 KB

"Charger Safety" will protect your device from stealing, when it is connected to public charging points. This app will notify you if someone tries to

3.6 MB

Protect your phone or valuables with a loud alarm against burglary and nosy persons. With Guard My Device - the mobile alarm system - it is easy to re

2.45 MB

R. Humberto Cozzo, 41 - Playground Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Phone: (21) 2497-9050 Quality Catholic content, all information and updates the

12.34 MB