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"Музыка для путешествий" - приятная расслабляющая музыка в стиле инди-фолк поможет Вам приятно провести время в автомобиле, автобусе, поезде и самолет

29.56 MB
Brújula 1.2

brújula digital para ayudar a determinar la dirección. Con rapidez y precisión. Este compás puede indicar el norte verdadero. Convierte tu móvil en un

10.79 MB

GPS Tracker 2017 can be used to track locations and is extremely useful in cases where phones have been lost or stolen. The user can use it also as a

3.97 MB
ParkRTC 1.0.6

Manage your parking at the Reston Town Center with your mobile device! Enjoy shopping, dining, and entertainment at the Reston Town Center from the co

19.02 MB
VehiDroid 1.1

Are you fed up with the existing Vehicle Management Apps in the Google Play? So here comes the best Vehicle and Fleet management system. We have done

1.23 MB

When you stop to purchase fuel, simply add the total cost and volume of fuel from your mobile device. The information will be saved to your MyGeotab d

2.37 MB
Liefery 2.7.14

Liefery is your delivery service of the future - try it yourself!

4.01 MB

Easily diagnose car problems, Save money on fuel & repairs, Garage locator, MOT reminder My Car Mechanic (MCM) is the easiest car app (vehicle / diagn

6.77 MB

The Driver Checklist vehicle inspection app replaces traditional paper inspection forms for driver walkaround checks and safety inspections. Driver do

9.04 MB

myFLEET - Fleet Manager App enables Fleet Management on the move. The Mobile App can be downloaded and installed on any Android device and provides ri

2.85 MB

The narrations (hadith) that speak of the virtues, and benefits, of Ayatul Kursi are numerous. Narrated Abu Huraira: Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi

1.96 MB
Ayat 33 1.4

Ayat 33 beserta khasiatnya yang dapat dijadikan amalan untuk memperoleh keselamatan dunia dan akhirat, berkhasiat sangat banyak dan bermacam-macam, te

1.98 MB

Bacaan ayat seribu dinar ini boleh membantu anda mempelajari dan menghafal ayat seribu dinar dengan sebutan huruf yang tepat. Anda juga boleh mengetah

6.38 MB

This app lets you listen and watch to the recitation of Juz Amma, from the Holy Quran by Qari Muhammad Taha Junayd just select the surah to listen. Li

1.74 MB

Fadilah Surat Yasin Rasulullah Saw telah bersabda, “Bacalah Surat Yassin karena ia mengandungi keberkatan”, yaitu: ~ Apabila orang lapar membaca Surat

1.61 MB

Buku Yasin Digital ini dapat dengan mudah dibaca dimana saja dan kapan saja, karena tidak memakai koneksi internet sama sekali atau aplikasi ini dapat

1 MB

Islamic Rohani amalat. Sara din Shayateen sa hifazat k liya khas amal. Rozana subha oth k Ayat ul kursi apna oper par k phonk lanay sa sara din Shayat

3.74 MB

Are you looking to buy an used car ? Make sure you inspect the car thoroughly before you make the payment. This used Car / auto Inspection checklist c

2.96 MB

Merupakan salah satu aplikasi yang di buat untuk mempermudahkan bagi kita semuah dalam membaca dan mengetahui isi arti dari surat yasin semoga dapat m

5.88 MB

When ordering a taxi through the Drive-Luxe application, a 5% discount is provided! With the Drive-Luxe app, you can quickly order a taxi outside the

4.98 MB