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RamCleaner 1.18

RAM Speed Booster is the best application to speed android up to 70%, cleaning caches, speed game and browser up, close application running under back

3.19 MB
Booster 1.0.2

★★★Features :★★★Phone Boost - Clear memory (RAM), to optimize your phone with just one tap. - Task reminder, reminder when memory usage is high. - One

2.03 MB

Test Your ear health. this test is very simple!! hear a sound and choice number that the sound is how many stream. as level as up, the old man can't h

2.52 MB

Optimize the speed of your android device today with Memory & Speed Booster. Give your device more memory for faster applications and smooth experienc

4.55 MB
mChart 1.0

Modern medical management always involves multiple specialities and is usually based on complex medication schemes. Keeping track of all the pills you

10.16 MB

When your smartphone has gone extremely slow, when it crashes more than often, when it runs out of storage space every time you try to download someth

2.33 MB

Speed Booster Pro is an Android powerful All-in-One clean master, optimizer, booster and security app. It can easily boost your phone speed and clean

18.88 MB

Memory Booster & Cleaner - Android RAM optimizer to speed up your devices as well as prevent battery drain! * Perfect App for your android phone * Ver

2.52 MB
JAAM14 1.1

jaam14 第14回 日本抗加齢医学会総会 第14回 日本抗加齢医学会総会の講演会情報を閲覧できるアプリです。 大会プログラムのWeb版(Confit)と連携しています。 ※抄録の閲覧にはパスワードの入力が必要です。 パスワードについて

7.52 MB

PHONE BOOSTER optimizes your Android CPU, RAM, cache, internet and battery with a single tap. FEATURES:: 1- Phone Booster: It quickly and effectively

2.61 MB

Phone Booster and Cleaner intelligently clean background processes, stops secretly running apps and cleans cache. Phone Booster and Cleaner tries and

2.1 MB

Dictionary phone medical and pharmacist the plan Thai edition Royal scholars. location print time ๓bythe developed medical plan, Thai, and medical ch

3.28 MB
MiniSom 1.0.2

Esta aplicação disponibiliza de forma gratuita e simples a possibilidade de realizar um teste auditivo, que permite ao utilizador verificar a qualidad

4.77 MB

Revisa la edad y salud de tus oídos con esta estupenda aplicación. Puedes comprobar si tu oído tiene (aproximadamente) la salud del oído de una person

2.11 MB

순음청각선별은 스마트폰에 연결된 이어폰(earbud)으로 검사용 순음을 듣고 반응하여 가청역치를 확인할 수 있습니다. 검사주파수는 1, 2, 3, 4 kHz이며, 소리 강도는 순음 15부터 60 dB HL까지 5 dB 단위로 조절할 수 있습니다.

4.23 MB

This app contains multiple choice questions of the subject Practice of medicine from various exams conducted in India. The Practice of medicine is a m

2.29 MB

Приложение предназначено для получения знаний по специальности "Сестринское дело". Приложение позволяет изучать материал в данной области и так же про

5.74 MB

Приложение предназначено для получения знаний по специальности "Сестринское дело". Приложение позволяет изучать материал в данной области и так же про

5.74 MB

Free RAM Booster clear cache *Click BOOST for clean cache your apps processes *TASKS for clean cache your apps Management *MORE view memory ststus

3.89 MB

RAM Booster Pro is a optimize memory, cache application for Android phone. It keeps your phone faster, control process on your phone Full control of y

2.82 MB